Ball & Doggett Welcome LIA Victoria for Plant Tour

Ball & Doggett last night welcomed a delegation of about 25 visitors to its Moorabbin converting facility, for a plant tour and networking event organised by LIA Victoria.

The company, which is a major sponsor of the LIA’s Graduate Awards, opened its doors to the delegation as part of the Victorian chapter’s program of technical events. Attendees included representatives from industry businesses, TAFE and other associations.

After the tour, guided by Ball & Doggett experts, National Business Development Manager Zaidee Jackson gave a presentation about the company, its ethos and its range of products and services, which include papers, boards and other printable media, a wide range of press consumables and printing equipment.

Key take-aways were Ball & Doggett’s impressive and absolute commitment to its clients, staff, the industry and the wider community, and the innovative way the company is achieving its sustainability goals across the entire value chain, from sustainable sourcing of product and innovative converting technologies, through to sophisticated waste management systems and partnerships, which virtually eliminates waste to landfill from the facility

LIA Victoria President Robert Black thanked Zaidee for the opportunity, saying the support of companies like Ball & Doggett was a great illustration of the generous collaboration which can be so valuable to industry professionals and particularly encouraging to graduates and those new to the industry.

“Tonight’s gathering was typical for LIA, with a wide cross-section represented from new graduates to industry stalwarts, and from business owners to machine operators – we even welcomed a young student who is interested in exploring industry careers,” Robert said. 

“It was a fantastic learning opportunity for all involved, and we very much appreciate the support of industry partners like Ball & Doggett in making these opportunities available.”

Membership to the LIA is open to ‘all people in print’ with individual memberships at $45 and corporate memberships at $120. The 2023-24 membership year commences in October – to apply, contact Jenny Berry at